Cookies and Privacy Policy


  • Cookies may be used by the Website to allow us to recognise you and your preferred settings e.g. to store your ID and password for future sessions. This saves you from re-entering information on return visits to the Website. You have the option not to use this feature, in which event no cookies will be retained on your computer.
  • If the site has a secure log-in for our registered users, it may use a temporary ’session cookie’ in order to perform the secure login to our website. This cookie contains no personal information, just a long random number, and is deleted from your web browser when you exit the Website.
  • Temporary cookies are used in the transactional part of the Website to authenticate you as an authorised user after you have logged in.
  • Your browser may be capable of being programmed to reject cookies, or to warn you before downloading cookies, and information regarding this may be found in your browser’s ‘help’ facility.

For an explanation of cookies see:

If you have any questions regarding the use of cookies please contact us by email at

Below is a table of all cookies on this website – their name, type and purpose:

Cookie TypeCookie NameCookie Purpose
Session & TYPO3 Content Management Cookiesession, fe_typo_user, s_cc & s_sqWe use session cookies to record an individual users preferences that the user has specified, so that each time the user returns their preferences remain. Commonly this would be language settings, shopping carts, anything where you have indicated a preference. Where forms are used on the site, we hold the information in a session cookie so that we can improve the user experience on the site. Should a user, for example, forget to fill in parts of a form when submitting a form, we can auto-fill the values for those fields that have been filled in, thereby reducing the amount of fields a user needs to amend. This information is stored only in your browser and is destroyed once your browser is closed.
Google Analytics__utmz __utmc __utmb __utmaThese cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site for you. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.

We use third party companies as suppliers for some of our functions. Their use of the data is controlled by our contract with them and they are only allowed to use the data strictly for the purpose we have stated e.g. the data is not used in connection with data from other companies and we are not tracking user behaviour outside our own sites.

Other Websites

This privacy policy only covers the Website. Any other websites which may be linked to by the Website may be subject to their own privacy policy, which may differ from ours and we are not responsible for the content provided on any third party web sites.